Soar Accelerator Logo | Ryze & Believe

Business Accelerator

The business accelerator for people who want to be megabrands.

The trick to growing as big as Apple, Disney, and Nike isn't funding. It's not coaching. It's not a killer app.

No. The real trick is to tweak your mind to be more like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Phil Knight. But almost no one knows how to do it. Until now.

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25 tweaks to become an Elon or an

How To Be Great - Mindset & Beliefs Hero Image

How can you achieve true greatness?

Well, if you’re like Joe, you’ll have to fix 25 things first. Here’s his story…

Joe wanted to be great.

He wanted to build a mega-brand, leave a legacy, and make an impact on the world. So he ‘stayed positive’, and said all the ‘right’ buzzwords, and took all the ‘right’ actions.

But none of it helped. He grew slow, barely making progress So he finally bit the bullet, and joined a business accelerator.

And things seemed good… at first.

Soar’s advice straightened him out on some things, pointed out awesome tricks he could apply, and he got a nice spike of growth.

But it didn’t last.

Sure, his mentor was giving him all the best advice, but for some reason it wasn’t helping. Neither of them could figure it out.

Suddenly, the mentor dropped him. He was nice about it, but Joe still felt sh*tty.

Love Soar Accelerator

It felt like rejection, like he’d done something wrong.

And honestly, he kind of had.

Joe was doing what his coach said, but he wasn’t doing it with heart, passion, or belief.

On the outside, Joe looked like a big-shot ambitious empire-builder, but on the inside…

Joe’s beliefs on many topics were terrible.

And he realized they’d been that way since he was a teenager, and he’d never bothered to fix any of them.

So, determined to do better, Joe asked Soar for a list of crappy beliefs that were holding him back, promising he’d come back once he’d solved them.

Check out the list he received, below:

The 'Bad Beliefs' Quick List

Most don't understand why these are bad or how to fix them...

Learn more about them & how to change them below:

1. Denial → Acceptance
Most people are so deep in denial, that they can’t even admit they need to solve the rest of the list. Fix this one and you can actually begin the real entrepreneurial journey. You’ve got to be able to accept reality in order to change it. Most won’t.
2. Ignorant → Aware
Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s failure. If you’re ignorant of all sports, you’ll fail at the practice & discipline they build. If you’re ignorant of Hollywood, you’ll fail at the storytelling they teach. If you’re ignorant of your staff, your team will shatter. You’ve got to be aware & tuned-in to everything.
3. Spoonfed → Self-Learn
You’ve gotta be self-learning. Elon Musk taught himself. Oprah Winfrey taught herself. Steve Jobs taught himself. And they instantly applied lessons. If you need every answer spoon-fed to you, your biz won’t grow.
4. Fearful → Fearless
There’s no need for fear. And it’ll make your daily actions useless. Jessica Alba is fearless. Will Smith is fearless, Sofia Vergara is fearless. They know everyone is powerful, stable, and secure at their core. Step up and demonstrate it, because fear smothers success.
5. Inept → Efficient
You can’t be inept. People will buy from you because you’re great at what you do, but you can’t just be adept at one thing– you’re running a business. Your entire brand needs to be a well-oiled machine, from the out-reach to the cashflow.
6. Sporadic → Consistent
Consistency is key. JK Rowling kept writing for publishers, while on welfare. Michael Jordan practiced ‘ball nearly all day every day. People couldn’t stop Beyonce from performing. If you can’t put yourself beside legends and say ‘yes, I create as much and as often as they do’, you’re off-track.
7. Stuck → Adaptive
Successful people are adaptive. They never say they’re ‘stuck’, because they know they’re self-learners who figure things out. Roadblocks almost never slow them down, because they habitually adapt and find a new path. Instantly. They adoringly, and constantly, experiment… Do you?
8. Problem → Solution
You’ve gotta be a solver. Millions of problems, big & small, crop up in the life of a business. If you’re someone who gets stalled and crippled whenever you meet one, it’s game over! Everyone likes to think they’re a problem solver… but are you really?
9. Unreliable → Stable
Stability isn’t just valuable, it’s essential. Nothing can be built on unstable ground. Relationships can’t be grown with unreliable people. Businesses can’t be run by unreliable CEOs. It’s vital that you celebrate and champion your own reliable stability, in all areas.
10. Haphazard → Systematic
Life is made up of systems. You’re either creating your own, or you’re a cog in other’s. A huge mark of the unsuccessful is that they create inefficient systems, or pretend to have systems, or simply have none at all. They’ve no morning routine. They have no system for outreach. They’ve no data tracking or accounting. No system, no success. Period.
11. Worthless → Valuable
Most parents don’t raise high-value children. So their kids grow up believing they’re only slightly valuable. You’re valuable, act like it.
12. Scattered → Focused
Scattered, diluted energy has no impact. Everyone knows this. So why do so few focus their energy? Who succeeds more? The singer who focuses on her developing her singing career when chatting with others, or the one who constantly gets distracted and sidetracked onto useless topics like the latest celebrity scandal?
13. Miserly → Generous
Be generous with your value. Go the extra mile for your audience. Get content done ahead of time for your collaborator. Tip your suppliers well. But don’t do it by going through (resentful) motions, do it from the heart, knowing there’s more where that came from. Generosity is a universal law, if you aren’t using it, life won’t be generous with you.
14. Ineffective → Effective
Be honest, are you effective? When you aim to get more clients, are you effective at it? When you aim to polish your content, are you effective at it? When you set a goal to be the best business in your field… Are. You. Effective? You can’t be great if you’re not.
15. Disloyal → Trustworthy
Nothing great is built on disloyalty. If you’re a fairweather friend (or collaborator), don’t expect to go very far. People need to be able to count on you. A successful person is only as good as their word. That means you keep your word to yourself and to others on the small things, or you won’t be trusted with the big things.
16. Physicality → Energy
Care more about energy, than physicality. Care more about passion, love, heart, & soul, then the exact amount of widgets sold today. Care more about the vibe behind conversations, rather than what actual words are spoken. A business looks physical, but it’s actually a combo of human-energy & inspiration. Do you truly get it, or just intellectually ‘get’ it?
17. Deceptive → Truthful
Be the true you. Have integrity. Most people’s parents lie about thousands of things, which teaches kids to hide their true selves. You’ll *think* you’re being truthful, but you won’t be. Without nailing this, you’ll attract manipulative liars who’ll prevent your brand from getting off the ground. What are you hiding out of shame, guilt, or propriety?
18. Auto-Pilot → Forethought
Be considerate and think ahead. You’ve gotta handle awareness first to do this. You’ve got to be aware of what will happen if you cut a corner. You’ve got to think ahead to the repercussions. Most people fail to do this and go through their biz on autopilot. Conduct yourself better.
19. Dismissive → Respectful
Respect… a lot. This only works if you pay attention to energy. It may be tempting to disrespect a homeless guy’s advice, because of appearances, but his energy says he knows the solution, and you’d better respect his wisdom. You may wanna fight that scrawny dude, but he’s actually a black-belt who’ll cripple you with one touch. Great people know when to dismiss, and when to respect.
20. Work → Play
Real entrepreneurs ‘work hard’, right? No. Even the ‘hustle-culture’ ones like Gary Vee ultimately do what they love, energize themselves, & turn work into play. If you’re forcing ‘work’, you’ve already lost.
21. Sloppy → Artful
No customer or team respects a sloppily run business. And no adviser can help you if you’re sloppy AF. You don’t have to be perfect, but your aim has to be artful and masterful, with your creations.
22. Unimaginative → Creative
Name me one unimaginative success-story. There aren’t any. Creative imagination is an insanely powerful tool that we’re all blessed with. If you find yourself neglecting yours, failure wouldn’t be surprising at all. You’ve gotta fix it. Deploy your imaginative creativity and act on it.
23. Closed-Mind → Open-Mind
Great people keep an open mind. They meet each idea and viewpoint no judgment and an open mind. They instead look eagerly for whatever value may be there before they move on. They’ve let go of knee-jerk reactions & snap-judgments. You’d be well-served to do the same.
24. Apathetic → Passionate
Your heroes care. A lot. They care about their art. They care about their audiences. They care about their time, money, decisions, projects. They care about the details, each note, each headline, each brush-stroke. They care about what they put in their body and they care about who they hang around. They care about improving their mindset, do you?
25. Confused → Clear
You’ve gotta be clear. Clear about your mission, message, & vision for your brand. Clear on your creations. Clear instructions to collaborators. Clear in word, heart, mind, & deed. Your dreams need precise assessments. If you’re aiming to make money, figure out a precise number. If you’re inaccurate about where things are at, you won’t get to where you want to go. If you don’t know something, admit it & go find out, because you can’t reach greatness until you’re clear. Do you know how far confused leaders go in business? They don’t.

So, how many 'bad beliefs' can you check off Joe's list?

How can you achieve true greatness?

Ideally you’ve handled all of them, but that’s very rare.

Even Jeff Bezos or Sara Blakely don’t have every one handled, so it’s clearly not necessary to get check every single one off, but…

No truly great entrepreneur goes through life with more than FIVE of these issues UNRESOLVED.

If you believe #1 (denying the truth) is productive, no amount of help I can give you will make a difference.

If you believe #20 (‘hard work’ is a sustainable path,) you’re in for a miserable, ineffective journey.

If you believe hiding from the truth is productive, you’ll make no impact and create next-to-nothing.

All your heroes, the Beyonces & Oprahs, the Musks & the Carmichaels, fixed all these things FIRST.

They understood that their mindset could be their biggest resource or their biggest roadblock.

I’ve learned the hard way that I could pour out insane amounts of wisdom, but if the people I’m giving it to have too many bad beliefs, it’s basically a waste of time.

It doesn’t have to be this way, but to solve it, you’ll have to do the inner-work necessary to correct the 25 issues below.

It sounds like a lot, but when we’re talking about building an empire, a day –or a week, or a month– of work to get your shit together isn’t too much to ask.

Basically, if you’re not eager to fix this stuff, then you’re not eager to be great.


If you want to be great, solve your bad beliefs.

Most people believe in cancer, addiction, struggle, etc… They believe in so many things, why not believe in better, more positive things? Why not believe in things that serve you? This list is meant to help with that.

So, now that Joe had them all in front of him…

How was he going to fix them?

He felt a bit guilty asking Soar for more help, despite being cut from the program, but he didn’t know what else to do.

Soar responded gracefully, and gave him a special tool:

Focus Wheels.

Joe was about to try his first focus wheel on his hardest belief, but he noticed a small note on the focus wheel:

“Joe, this tool is a game-changer, and if you use it right, it will solve any messed up belief you apply to it… but please, for your first one, tackle an easy belief to get the ball rolling.”

So that’s what Joe did.

He already believed he was ‘kind of’ generous, but it could be better, so he began there.

When his focus wheel was finished, Joe hadn’t really ‘done’ anything more than write a few sentences.

He wasn’t taking massive action, but something internal had shifted.

It went well, he felt great, and he knew deep in his gut, that his belief had changed.

This hit of personal power made him want to do focus wheels for the rest of his issues.

It's on you to be a great person first, before you do great things.

Joe was was initially not a fit for Soar.

Although he was eager to grow his business, he was missing key positive beliefs, and that’s a sure way to get cut.

For example, if you skip a focus wheel & fail to solve that belief… and end up with a related issue during Soar, you’re gone.

Why? Because you had your chance to fix it up-front, and you chose to skip it.

If one issue is particularly bad for you, you may have to do 3 or more focus wheels to resolve it. You have to do what it takes, because we won’t move forward unless it’s handled.

I don’t want what happened to Joe to happen to you.

To help with that, I’ve created an in-depth Focus Wheel Tutorial for you.

It’s on you to be a valuable person, full of fantastic beliefs and personality traits.

And if you don’t have these things handled, you can go through all the best courses, take all the best actions, and follow all the best advice in the world…

…but it will all still backfire on you.

It’ll be one great, big, giant waste of everyone’s time.

You’ve got to be a great person before you take quality actions. In fact, you’ve got to radiate true, pure value, before you can create a valuable business.

It sounds simple because it is, but no one wants to admit they were raised poorly, and that they currently don’t have the inner-fortitude and character necessary to win.

And so, they spend decades spinning their wheels, achieving nothing.

Will you spin your wheels? Or will you choose to be great?

J, you make so much sense. Please teach me to Focus Wheel my beliefs and become like the heroes I admire.

Hmmm, ok, sounds like you’re ready for the next step. Click below to instantly see the focus wheel tutorial!

But what if I did all the inner-work & know I'm ready?

That means you're well on your way to being a mega-brand, ready to Soar.

You’re on your way to being the next Elon, the next Oprah, the next Nike, the next Apple.

If you like what I’ve written above (or even below), then join me, and I’ll massively help you, and we’ll win big, together.

Keep reading if you’d like to know more.

Plus, we’re adorable, right? 😛

Your empire’s a reflection of you.  If you have a deep understanding of art, your empire’s artful.  If you care about fitness, your team will too.  If your standards are raised, they ripple out to your audience. Your legacy, culture, and movement are brought to life by your beliefs, so ask yourself… who’s shaping yours? Do you have an influencer like Evan to collaborate with?Do you have his secret weapon, J-Ryze, dropping gold wisdom on you when you need it?

Join the Soar Business Accelerator, and you can.

Your path to faster growth is in front of you.

Get ready, you’re about to have your best day, week, month, year, decade… life!  Together we’ll shape beliefs, tap potential, and so much more.  Seriously, joining this business accelerator will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. Your empire’s blossoming and just being here is already helping it flourish, believe it.  There’s so much love here for you, and it’ll just keep growing and growing as time goes on. So… if you’re up for it, let’s elevate your brand, biz, art, name, marketing, social, relationships, innovation, r&d— all the things. 

Business is meant to be fun, expansion’s meant to be natural, if you’re ready for that, let Evan & I help you soar.

Billions of stray thoughts are dreamed up every single day, but few ideas ever come to light, and fewer still gain the momentum needed to really take off. Those that truly take flight have the power to alter the course of human history.

But why should heroes just fly when you can Soar?

If you’re not doing something reality-altering, best bounce now.  Ideas that reach escape velocity are the ones empires are made from. All it takes is the right fuel. For your idea to grow into the Next Big Thing, you need the right combination of knowhow and ass-kicking energy to blast it into the stratosphere and make it Soar.

Daniel-san had Mr. Miyagi. Who’s gonna teach you the secrets you need to succeed? Are you a Corleone looking for your Tom Hagen, the right consigliere to advise you when you need it most? Who’s going to be the Tyrion to your Daenerys, keeping your head on straight while you build your empire?

Tyler Durden Better Beliefs Business AcceleratorOr do you need your own, personal Tyler Durden to unlock something you didn’t even realize you had inside? Let’s find out.

You’re getting two of the real-talkin’, high-integrity, high-value advisors, (plus access to Evan’s platform)… and they’re not asking for your money, at least not upfront.

Unlike most accelerators, Soar totally aligns our interests.

If you don’t make money, we don’t. Period.

It’s all love.

It’s massive trust.

That heart is reflected in the fee structure.

Had a rough patch, not paying yourself much that month? Soar fees drop that month.  Had a great quarter? We all win big. Plus, if you’re a well-established biz and aren’t comfortable with the ask, we offer reasonable a phase-in so you can see the awesome growth our collaboration brings at a premium. 

We go all out to help you reach new heights, and we do it in a way that keeps us all aligned. Let the pie keep growing. Share it. Create new pies. Share ’em too. Love business, love life.

If your biggest fears are...

Afraid Of Getting Stale
Afraid Of Coasting On Past Glory
Afraid Of Painful Growth
Afraid Of Keeping Status Quo

Soar may be for you.

If you’re open to challenging conversations in order to really grow, if you’re hungry for clarity and solutions that matter, if you love what you do and love to hustle let’s get into it.

Calling all influencers, kings, queens, & game-changers.

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Whether you're a gamer, artist, pornstar, coder, ceo, rapper —whatever— as long as you're building an empire...

We can help you grow.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Apple said it well.

Gut telling you to connect? Click to email J-Ryze.

You deserve momentum, you're a pretty awesome human being.

Leaders, celebrities, and heroes. Out of everyone on the planet, it’s important that you be better, that you ryze up, that you soar.

‘Cause you change the game. You’re high-leverage. And you can’t afford to execute poorly, you can’t afford to exist poorly. Your brand, your decisions, your art, has to ryze. I’m talking about stuff no ‘leadership book’ brings to the table. Deeper perspectives, broader experiences, more creative insights.

Make sure you haven’t set the bar at ground-level, convinced it’s actually the stars.

No way you’d set a low bar? Well, it’s more likely than you think, especially if you’re surrounded by the same ideas all day.

The media vomits up the same messages ideas over and over. So do all the so-called ‘experts.’ So does Hollywood. Hell, even most scientists recite the same boring af bullshit.

It’s all stuff as common as a shave, and as effective as a dull blade. But all good, it’s why you’ve found yourself here.

Hopefully you know you gotta minimize lukewarm conversations. Ditch low-standard zombies who may dilute your decisions.

Sure, you’re stable. You’re building momentum. You’re a overall happy person. And you want more speed, more reach, more polish, more exposure, more quality, more impact. More of everything, really.

Get a special accelerator for empire-builders like you.

Exclusive Soar Accelerator

Unique and exclusive.

Soar rejects over 90% of applicants, and that's a good thing. It means if you're a fit, then you're part of an elite group of influencers destined for true impact in the world.

Soar Means Less Hassle, More Trust

Less hassle, more trust.

You move fast, you don't wanna be bothered with red tape and b.s., you wanna hook up with true, blue, kind-hearted people who care about you & want you to win.

Soar Is Aligned With You

Aligned with you.

We're in this together. The fee scales only when you do, and ensures you're never paying more than you're earning. If you don't pay yourself, you don't pay us. Simple.

People have said some nice things:

But soar ain't for the faint of heart.

If you settle for weak solutions... lose sight of the big picture... see limits everywhere... don't follow random impulses... aren't willing to start over... do what your parents say... hesitate to start now... can't get up w/o morning coffee... are unable to clear your mind... can't imagine being president... overuse ten-cent words... over-complicate and overthink... can't trust cause you got burned... feel like stopping... can't take the truth...

Then we’re not a fit. Soar is not your average accelerator, and it’s not for average people. If you’re cool gliding along, not ready to take it to the next level, Soar won’t suit you. But if you’re aware of yourself and want to dig deeper, we may click.

We’re offering raw, explosive power that’ll burn the unworthy to a crisp. Only the truly ambitious, who believe in themselves will make the cut. We’re looking for those who’re ready to fly as close to the sun as possible. I mean, hey, the sun’s a star, which is exactly what we want to help you be.

Soar’s for risk-takers who set the bar impossibly high, then leap right over it. It’s for trend-setters who aren’t afraid to tear it all down to build the next big thing. It’s for the big players, the thought leaders, the empire builders.

So maybe you’re fit to soar. Maybe.

Odds are I’m not the advisor for you. I’m not even sure I’m for anyone. I talk about sex. I talk about death. I talk about pop. Learning from me is like climbing a mountain to meet a guru who greets you like this: “Fuck you. You’ve been playing way too small, for way too long.”

What do I mean?

You’ve gotta be badass, I walk away if you’re not. I’ve walked away from money on the table rather than dealing with unworkable bullshit. I’ve walked away from media attention, just to make a point to the journalist.

Doesn’t matter if you’re a baller. Or have done so much good for the world. Or you’ve built a tribe & a chunk of influence. No matter what I’ma speak the truth, and you gotta be open to it. I’m here to help you soar, not fuck around sweating details. If your hang-ups stop you from receiving the J-Ryze love, how am I supposed to help you?

So, if you’re ruled by fear, or risk-averse, you may not like what I have to offer. If you don’t stand for something, or all you think about is dollar signs & bottom lines, it’s too small. If you can’t stand the heat, don’t even think about stepping into my kitchen.

But if you’re not afraid of fire, you stand to gain a trustworthy sounding-board, a clear decision-filter, and someone who expands your vision & legacy.

I want outliers who’s thinking goes against the grain. That’s my kind of people. I’ve made friends with pornstars and given them life-changing insights. I’ve confronted alcoholics to wake ’em up to recovery. I’ve made ‘convict’ friends in jail, earning respect with my brand of motivational rocket-fuel.

So, who am I to cuss you out and talk all scary, before we’ve even spoken?

Well, I’m J-Ryze.

J-Ryze - Empire Business Advisor - Clasped Hands -

About J-Ryze.

I’m a high-energy, no-bullshit, 21st- century merlin whose call is to amp up lives. And though I’m encouraging, I’m not a ‘yes-man’, if you’re looking for someone to kiss your ass, look elsewhere.

When I started my business, I was literally penniless, sleeping on cold steel benches. I took calls on shitty cafe internet, and once did a radio interview from a subway payphone. Eventually, I rose like a phoenix from the ashes, transforming myself into who I am today. I did it by helping people be better. I injected pure ideas that mattered. Pure ideas led to pure execution led to pure results. Imagine what I could do to help you #ryze. I learned not to care about money while living on the streets. I can’t be bought or manipulated, and my only agenda is to help you soar, so I’m the ultimate, trustworthy confidante.

When you ryze I ryze, period. Are you ready to transform?


About Evan.

Evan likely needs no introduction, but here’s a quick look: He’s one of Forbes’ Top 40 Social-Marketing Masters. He’s ‘YouTube Famous’, with more than 1 Million subscribers. Inc Magazine named him one of the Top 100 Great Leadership Speakers. More importantly, Evan believes in people, even more than they believe in themselves!

Evan can offer his growing platform, resources, and connections. He can turbocharge your business through his #OneWord philosophy and his ability to tap into human potential.

Evan - Clasped Hands - Soar - Matt Barnes Photo

Together we’re the team to help you level up.

Frequent chats and insight from me, with periodic coaching from Evan. I adjust mindset/beliefs, and Evan adjusts your biz models/strategy. The combo is what accelerates your growth so quickly. Two wise advisers working from complementary ends of the business spectrum, plus access to Evan’s huge platform/audience.

While my strength is elevating people, their beliefs, their brands, Evan’s more about tweaking financial models, scaling, marketing, collabs, etc. He’s the jelly to my peanut-butter, the Red Bull to my vodka. Rise now. Rise tomorrow. Rise always, ’cause the rising never stops 🙂

What do you get?

What you get depends on who you are. It’s extremely individual. Unique. Custom. It’s tailored acceleration, based on what’s valuable to you and your business, but here’s some potentials:

Regular calls w/ J-Ryze

Contact with me is where a lot of the magic happens. (“A five minute conversation with J-Ryze can change the way you look at life.” - Elie Kirreh.)

Secret, special bonus opportunities

This may be creative works. It may be promotion on Evan's channels. It may be something even more awesome, we'll develop it together when we dig deeper into your journey.

Access to Evan's platform

This may be creative works. It may be promotion on Evan's channels. It may be something even more awesome, we'll develop it together when we dig deeper into your journey.

Soar Is Sexier
Soar Accelerator Energizes Your Business

Imagine a sponge...

Imagine a sponge absorbing world culture, making sure the best finds it's way to you.

Imagine a pill-bottle...

Imagine your secret stash of adrenalin-pills, pop-able for a boost in any area of life.

Imagine a sounding board...

Imagine your personal sounding-board, bouncing ideas back to you from fresh angles.

Get more prestige, in a variety of ways.

Blast off on a journey from decent growth, moderate success, and passable creations into orbit. Get clearer, easier decisions. Get enthusiasm, adrenaline. Get deep understanding, expansion. You know that phrase, “you’re the average of the 5 closest people you hang around?” Joining soar puts you in contact with a higher calibre of people, and uplifts you into a rarefied business atmosphere. You get better, your content get better, your business gets better.

This is how you elevate your brand.

Let Evan and I plug into your business and bam, you’re off to the races turning up your brand’s authenticity and building that street cred you deserve. Or zap, you suddenly have a hyper-efficient business model, making way more for way less effort, or you simply get piece of mind on things that have been weighing on you.

Whatever’s going on with your business at the time, come on board and soar together with us. Feel lighter, be richer, soar higher… everybody wins.

It's simple, and easy on your time.

Growth isn’t about hollow meetings, red tape, and homework. All it really takes is an a-ha moment… or a bunch of them. All it takes is the right insight, on the right topic, at the right time. Accelerating your momentum can happen in a blink.

More people saying nice things:

Do you dare to make an impact on the truly big problems?

Curing cancer. Rejuvenating earth. Smarter cities. Biokinesis. Celebrating sexworkers. Longevity coaching. Dignified death. Elevating esports. Evolving music. Attention as currency. Beauty metamorphosis.

Straight up, my magic isn’t for everyone. Hopefully I’m not overstating, but just like Gandalf knew Frodo was the only hero who could be trusted with the power of the ring, I know only some are ready for what I have to offer. Are you really ready to tackle the biggest problems out there? Are you ready to use your power & influence in ways that truly matter?

If nothing above has scared you off, chances are looking good. Nice! Evan and I are psyched! ‘Cause when it comes down to it, soaring is easy, honest. It’s natural, it just takes guts & the right circles around you. And it’s easier with turbo-charged fuel from an epic team of advisers smoothing & accelerating your growth. It’s worth investing in easier growth, and we’ll make it even more so… together.

Ever wonder why so little progress is made:

  • Relieving poverty?
  • Curing cancer?
  • Reversing climate-change?
  • Building better cities?

It’d be arrogant to claim I know, but I’d bet it’s largely ’cause the leaders in charge failed to broaden their perspectives, to grow beyond the problem. They didn’t have next-level counsel, and went down a beaten-path that society’s convinced them is ‘the right way.’

Most people in charge, barring groundbreakers like Elon Musk, give the same weak-ass solutions that failed in the past, and will continue to do so.

The true greats who step up to tackle the big problems… are often surrounded by people so concerned with their own agenda, that most important truths get watered-down.

So many King Arthurs wandering around without Merlins. Cleopatras without Mark Anthonys.

Don’t let that be you.

So what does it take to get in?

1. 25 x 25 Fee Structure

You give 25% equity in your business & 25% of owner withdrawals. It maxes out potential for all involved & gives a small revenue stream to us without heavily taxing you. The fee scales as you make more money, & ensures you're never paying more than you're earning.

2. A Sellable Business

We want to scale businesses. This model doesn't work if you want to be a solo-preneur forever. We wanna soar, not glide slowly. Let's build something big together and make a lot of people happy (and a lot of money, too.) - Acquisitions, IPOs, & buyouts all count as "selling", so as long as you're aiming for one of those, we're good.

3. Trust

This requires trust. We're throwing out the old convertible debenture, royalties, & dividends. You're not gonna be burdened with a monthly fee that burns you when you're in a down-cycle, but we need to know when you're pulling money out. We ditch the red tape 'cause we care about you, & trust you to care about us.

4. Optional Phase-In

That 25% might sound like a hard pill to swallow up front, so for well-established businesses we propose a phase-in. Start at 5%, and work that up to 25% over the next few years as your business grows.

This game-changing pricing model is So. Worth. It.

Like, even though you’re sharing profit, it’s #worth–’cause you’ll accelerate your own profit way more, it’s really your mission, vision, and impact that matters. Besides, other programs that aren’t even as good as this are a set cost… meaning they’re not nearly as invested in your success as we are.

Don’t worry though, we’ll work all those details out only if we both feel confident that we’re an epic team, meant to soar together. If you’re a baller… details like this are small potatoes compared to the possible upsides.


Even more nice things:

Want a free taste of the massive value?

Email me and we’ll see if you qualify for a free #SoarSesh
on Skype or Google Hangout.

Let’s connect 🙂

P.S. Here's Kendra & Damian raving about a single chat with me!